The Criminal Justice Department assists in the reduction of crime and improvement of public safety in the 11-county CBCOG Region by assisting the Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division to promote federal funding for criminal justice and public safety initiatives in the region. It is the department’s primary duty to administer services outlined in an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with The Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office. Services administered are grant funding solicitations, coordination, reporting, and providing technical assistance for the Criminal Justice, Juvenile Justice, Violence Against Women Justice and Training, and the General Victim Assistance Direct Services grant programs. Services are catered to current and potential CJD funding applicants and grantees in Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio, and San Patricio Counties. The department is also responsible for developing a regional strategic plan for prioritizing the criminal justice needs in the CBCOG’s region. The plan attempts to define the region’s priorities and problems through data provided by stakeholders in the Criminal Justice field, and research.
The Criminal Justice Department also administers the CBCOG’s Law Enforcement Training Academy Program. The CBCOG is awarded grant funds to contract with an accredited training academy providing the highest quality education, training and professionalism in law enforcement. The academy provides support to police departments, including university and ISD departments, sheriff offices, constable offices, and other type security/corrections agencies in the CBCOG 11-County region. Basic training is provided to cadets as well as continuation courses to meet requirements to maintain licensure. All training is in compliance with standards specified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE).
Criminal Justice/Homeland Security Planner - Luci Rios

Ms. Rios has served local government for 19 years. She has a dual role with the Coastal Bend Council of Governments (CBCOG) as the Criminal Justice Program Coordinator and Emergency Management Planner. As Criminal Justice Program Coordinator, Ms. Rios is responsible for overseeing and performing all duties contracted with The Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division in response to the Criminal Justice needs of the CBCOG 11-county region. She is responsible for the coordination and participation of developing the CBCOG Regional Criminal Justice Strategic Plan. Ms. Rios is also responsible for administering the CBCOG’s Law Enforcement Training Academy Program.
Ms. Rios is a participant/member of the Criminal Justice Planners’ Association, Coastal Bend Emergency Manager Association, Coastal Bend Multi-Agency Coordination Center, Emergency Management Association of Texas, and multiple local emergency planning/response committees.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2026
funding opportunities are now available on the eGrants website at:
Applications for open funding announcements from the PSO must be Certified in eGrants ( by Thursday, February 13th, 2025, 5:00 PM CT.
Applications MUST be SUBMITTED by any grant official and then CERTIFIED by the Authorized Official listed on the application no later than the application deadline shown above.
Requirement - All applicants applying for Criminal Justice (CJ) programs highlighted in yellow with provided links are required to attend an application workshop conducted by the Coastal Bend Council of Governments Criminal Justice staff. CJ application workshops are scheduled Thursday, January 9th and Friday, 10th. Click here for detailed information.
- Body-Worn Camera Grant Program
- Bullet-Resistant Shield Grant Program
- County Solutions to Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation
- Crime Stoppers Assistance Fund
- Criminal Justice Grant Program - Criminal Justice Grant Program FY2026 | eGrants
- District Attorney Testing of Forensic Evidence Grant Program
- First Responder Mental Health Program
- General Victim Assistance Grant Program - General Victim Assistance Grant Program, FY2026 | eGrants
- Internet Crimes Against Children Grant Program
- Juvenile Justice & Truancy Prevention Grant Program - Juvenile Justice & Truancy Prevention Grant Program, FY2026 | eGrants
- Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grant Program
- Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant Program
- Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy Grant Program (COGs ONLY)
- Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Program
- Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Grant Program
- Sexual Assault Evidence Testing Grant Program
- Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE)-Ready Facilities Program
- Specialized Advocacy for Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth
- Specialty Courts Grant Program
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
- State Crisis Intervention Grant Program
- The Texas Model for Care Coordination
- Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program - Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program, FY2026 | eGrants