The Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend (AAA), a program division of Coastal Bend Council of Governments (CBCOG), housed within the CBCOG, was created by virtue of Resolution No. 234 on February 22, 1974 and is one of 28 Area Agencies on Aging in Texas. In accepting this authority, the Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend assumes responsibility for the development and administration of a comprehensive and coordinated network of support
services for older persons, operating under Title III of the Older American Act and Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) for Coastal Bend residents who are:
60 years of age or older
Caregivers of individuals age 60 and over
Medicare beneficiaries of any age.
(Services limited to information and advocacy for Medicare beneficiaries under 60 years of age)
TEXAS SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATURE, If interested in becoming a Texas Silver Haired Legislature please contact Amy Villarreal AAA/ADRC Director @ 361-883-3935. Contact us for additional information. Click for Calendar.
The purpose of the Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend is to plan and coordinate comprehensive, community based programs which responds to those older persons in the Coastal Bend Region with the greatest social and economic needs, especially the frail, low income and minorities, enabling them to remain independent and healthy as long as possible.
Our Goal
AAA’s primary goal is supporting independent living for older adults by assuring availability of high quality, efficient, community services for seniors, including:
Benefits Counseling
Provides assistance to Medicare beneficiaries and other individuals concerning their public benefits and entitlements.
Care Coordination
Assesses the needs of people 60+ years of age and then coordinates local resources to support an individual's highest level of functioning.
Caregiver Support
Assesses needs of caregivers and then coordinates available support services.
Information, Referral & Assistance
Provides information and assistance to callers to identify and link with the appropriate service agency(ies).
Contract with service providers who serve nourishing meals onsite and/or deliver to homebound seniors.
Advocates for residents of long-term care facilities.
Door-to-door trips to nutrition sites, local medical services, and social service agency appointments.
Evidence Based Intervention Programs: Matter of Balance and Tai Chi
A Matter Of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage concerns about falls and increase activity levels with practical strategies. Tai Chi for Arthritis.
Programs under the Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend are funded in part by the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS), the CBCOG, local governments, non-profit organizations, participant contributions and other local resources.