Information Referral & Assistance

The AAA’s information, referral and assistance program links individuals who are 60 years of age or older, as well as individuals of any age who are eligible for Medicare. Caller needs are discussed and assessed; appropriate resources to social services agency or community assistance program are identified to best meet the current needs of the caller.

The program provides information, assistance, and referral on varied topics including:

  • Activities of Daily Living
  • Housing
  • Texas Home of your Own Project
  • United Cerebral Palsy of Texas provides administrative support for the Texas HOYO Coalition, which uses private & public partnerships, funding and supports to demonstrate ways for individuals with disabilities to purchase their own homes, to include assistance with down payments, mortgages and modifications to make homes accessible.
  • Individual Rights
  • Institutional/Facility Care
  • Congregate Meal Sites
  • Senior Citizen Sites
  • Prescription Assistance Programs
  • Provider Services
  • Support Groups
  • Texas RioGrande Legal Aid
  • Transportation
  • Utility Assistance
  • Volunteer Opportunities