Texas Lifespan Respite Care Program

Need a break from your caregiver responsibilities?

Caregiving can place high demands on family members or other caregivers, even when the care is given by a loved one.

Don’t know if you are a caregiver? If you are caring for a loved one even if you are married to them, if they are a parent, child, neighbor or friend then you ARE a caregiver.  HELP!!!

5 Signs of Caregiver Burnout:

  1. You feel furious one minute, sad and helpless the next.  The despairing mix of physical and emotional exhaustion strikes many caregivers at one time or another.
  2. You catch every bug that comes your way.  Stress doesn’t just make you sick and depressed. It can take a toll on your immune system.
  3. You’re snapping at everyone.  When you feel helpless and overwhelmed, you’re more likely to overreact to the things people do, or don’t do.
  4. You can’t remember the last time you met a friend for dinner or a movie.  Everyone needs a break from time to time, so why don’t you give yourself one?
  5. You’re the go-to caregiver. Always. This may be the hardest job you’ll ever have, but try going it alone and you’ll quickly hit bottom.

When you’re caring for a loved one, it’s easy to forget about your own needs, putting you at serious risk of burnout. Did you know that 30% of caregivers pass before the person they are caring for?

The Coastal Bend Aging and Disability Resource Center offers various Lifespan Respite services including: Information, Referral and assistance, caregiver training for caregivers of persons with Dementia and caregivers of persons with any type of a disability. Respite for the caregiver in the form of paying for temporary provider services. If you have exhausted services, are in the process of applying for services or don’t have any services in place you may contact the Coastal Bend Aging and Disability Resource Center.

You are not alone.

Call us today. We are ready to assist you.  1-800-252-9240 or 855-937-2372 or 361-883-3935

(we offer throughout the year)
Virtual Dementia Training
Do you have Medicare Questions
Medicare Savings Programs & Extra Help Guidelines
Family Caregiver Support Group and Care Provider Training
Stress Busting Classes

State of Texas Respite Resources

Take Time Texas
For those who care for someone of any age with a chronic medical condition or disability, help is available through the Texas Lifespan Respite Care Program; and the Texas Respite Coordination Center. This website will provide you with: State database of respite providers that caregivers can search to find nonprofit, commercial, faith – based, and governmental providers: Educational materials and online information and resources to help caregivers and providers resolve issues and information about caregiving; Resources to help respite providers including outreach materials, information on best practice training tools.


Texas Respite Coalition
The Texas Respite Coalition is a partner with the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) for the Lifespan Respite Care Program. The Coalition supports DADS in its goal to enhance and expand the coordination and availability respite services in Texas.  https://caregiver.org/texas-respite-coalition

Texas Respite Coordination Center
The Texas Respite Coordination Center (TRCC) is the central point of contact for respite programs across the state. It was created to offer caregivers and respite care providers services, resources and educational materials.

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